The world of eRacing brings with it many challenges and one of the biggest is verifying and validating performance data. As a team, we are all committed to ensuring our set-ups and data are as accurate as possible, and that we strive to always be transparent. This is our commitment to each other, the community and the future of the sport.

Our commitment for all major races

  1. Every rider will provide a weigh-in video on the day of the race, taken before the race. This will be provided directly to the relevant governing body as part of any pre-verification process.

  2. All riders agree to adhere to the eRacing Ruleset published by Zwift, as well as any other rules published by other platforms and/or organisers.

  3. Every member of the team is responsible for ensuring their equipment is properly calibrated and running the latest software.

  4. All team members will dual-record their performances.

  5. Every rider commits to having up-to-date power recordings ready to share with any other governing body as and when required to do so.

  6. Where possible, all riders will livestream their performances and share corroborating material to verify their equipment setup if asked by a governing body.

  7. We will all contribute to the conversation to help ensure a clean sport and offer our advice and assistance wherever possible.

    We will continue to expand and develop our Transparency commitment and internal guidelines as new standards and appraoches are developed.